co-direct a Japanese game show
Always choose the Super Duper Challenge.
While working as a Creative Director at mo/de project in Chicago, the team was approached by a large agency to develop web content for Kellogg’s Corn Pops. The first idea that came to mind, naturally, was to recreate the chaos, craziness and downright bizarre humor of a Japanese game show.

Research involved hours of watching Unbeatable Banzuke, Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!! and AKBingo! (I do not advise this).
Set-building involved many custom built-pieces, from a spring loaded audience bleacher to a spinning log made from a spray painted sandpaper roll fastened to a drill.

And not to be forgotten is the smoke machine, a rabbit, 2% milk and a miniature camera crew.
After the smoke cleared from final Super Duper challenge, I had designed the set, co-wrote the script, art directed graphics, puppeteered and directed. It was a Crazy Balloon Show indeed.