advise a coach in Joshua Tree
It’s not everyday when you’re contracted by an executive coach to produce a site-specific work.
The walls of her office were lined with stark black and white images of cacti and prickly pears, eroded rock formations, and barren landscapes. For her, the rugged and harsh beauty of the desert embodied the tenets of coaching practice: silence, stillness and focus. She wanted to bring this awareness into the office waiting room so clients could enter their sessions in a productive state of mind.
So using time-lapse, animation, photography and video, the project became a meditation upon the intersections of the eye, camera, computer and natural world. Through these connections emerge ideas of order, repetition and stasis intermingled with those of harmony, transformation and flow. These concepts exist within two concrete structures: a geometric grid based on the Golden Section and a narrative framework defined by the progression of daylight from morning to night.