honor a war veteran

The origin of the word curate is to take care.
To curate another artist is to take care of them and their work. This care involves stepping fully into their creative world, understanding their artistic intent and presenting the work honestly and in its fullness.
Curation is a selfless and empathic endeavor.

I first met Joshua Longbrake at the opening of a group show we both participated in called, “New Sacred.” I knew we had something in common when I saw his contribution, a photograph of a single Joshua Tree in the California desert.\*

After years of friendship and conversation, I urged Joshua to show some of his photographs. People needed to see them and people needed to hear his stories. Joshua had been taking photographs of his aging grandfather, a WW II veteran, in Indiana.
We worked though a batch of over a hundred photographs, constructing visuals narratives then taking them apart, keeping some images and removing many.

“The photographs portray the beauty, strength, sorrow, weakness and joy of a man who has lived well and is living well, whose body is slowly breaking down and is yet strong and sharp. Through these images we gain a sense of what it means to survive 93 years, but also to live them well.”