partner with the White House

As the creative director at mo/de project, I worked with David Axelrod and Sol Sender to create the Obama campaign logo. As a symbol for hope and change, it quickly found its way into the popular consciousness and sparked a groundswell of support for the then young campaign.

The difference between a campaign and an Administration.
photo courtesy of buttonkings/flickr

By early afternoon, I hired Aaron Draplin and Chris Glass, two of most respected designers in the business. Since Axelrod’s brief was very broad, I directed them to the graphic language of the FDR’s Work Progress Administration (WPA) and the posters of Lester Beall.
This historic work guided us as we worked through countless iterations, three rounds of review and a flurry of e-mails to and from the White House. At the end of three frenetic days, we produced two pieces of design for the young Administration that would not only help restore faith in the economy but also garner national attention.